Our Benefactors has relaunched as Out Run RP!



Added 297 characters
Edited 23 characters
Approved 17 character changes

Character Tags

Added 14 character tags

Streamer Data

Fixed 9 mismatched history entries
Changed 220 streamer fallback servers
Approved 10 streamer fallback changes
Joined Nov 26, 2019
LiliaCookie, also known as Lilly Cookie

K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple, stupid.

Who I'm?

Your lovely back seat gamer... But really? Nope! 😜 I'm a designer from Medway, Kent. Mostly specialized in User Interface and Motion Graphics. I create custom overlays and help people get better production value on their stream for an affordable price.

What a Staff Member do?

I add missing characters to streamer profiles and gather the information from streamers. Ask them If they want their characters to be there and help with their requests. I try to keep Twitch RP updates - up to date. I'm helping Sean on user interface choices for new functions and I serve with advice when he needs it.

Sometimes more like mental support for developer brand new function... A friendly reminder that says it does not look good but has good functionality. 😊

Do you Roleplay?

Yes, I started my adventure with ARMA 3 RP and I roleplay in GTA for about 3 years. I'm part of Twitch RP Community, Subversion Roleplay, and few others.

Do you Create Content?

Yes. Just not Roleplay content. Most of my creations are either design for my customers or my own IP that you can take a look on my Twitter, Instagram and my fancy portfolio or not so fancy one.
